Inner Knowing

I was talking with a close friend about how many things in nature work without a playbook. The birds don’t watch a YouTube video to know how or when to build a nest. The bears don’t have an alarm clock that tells them it is time to come out of hibernation. It seems that these routines happen because of an 

inner knowing.

I find that looking outside ourselves for answers is so habitual and steers us away from what we know on the inside.  So much can be gained by slowing down to listen.  What is it that we need? Which direction should we go? What would help us feel more grounded, relaxed, fulfilled (fill in your own word)?  

Despite my busy schedule, I carved out some time today for quiet and writing. It has been awhile and I found it so helpful to guide my direction for the Spring.  I was moved to share this in case others would benefit from a reminder to follow the path of the birds and bears.  

Happy Spring!

For more information check out my site

Fresh Start

Here we go: September 2022.  This time of year offers a chance to start anew and evaluate where we are on our paths.  

As we move out of the height of the pandemic, self reflection feels even more important. So much has changed since Spring 2020.  Our world and routines were turned upside down and there was loss on so many levels. While we are still dealing with Covid and additional threats to our community and planet, September 2022 brings an opportunity for change.  A chance for healing, reflection, and thinking outside the box. One door closes and another opens.  

Here are a few questions to help with this reflection.  If these resonate, great.  If other questions better meet the moment, follow your heart.  

1. What is something that takes up your time OR space that you want (or need) to let go?  What fills your moments in between that no longer works for you? What is creating clutter in your mind or physical space?

2. If you let go and create space, how would you choose to fill it?  What will help you meet this moment?  What will help you feel connected to yourself or others?

3.  What small routine or self care activity can you add to your daily routine?  Even a minute a day can set things in motion.

Wishing you all more ease in September!


Spring Allergy Tips

Spring Allergy Tips
Are spring allergies getting in the way?  Blooming flowers and more daylight can be a real pick me up, but can also be hard on your body.  To help with this transition, I am reprinting a few of my favorite spring allergy tips.

Local Raw Honey
Eating a teaspoon of local raw honey during allergy season can reduce allergic symptoms.  Honey contains very small amounts of the same pollen spores that cause symptoms.  Additional tip:  Add chopped raw turmeric to a container of raw honey, mix and let sit for a few weeks.  The honey is then infused with the medicinal anti-inflammatory properties of the turmeric.

Staying hydrated (8-10 cups daily) can help flush your system and help your body’s natural cleansing process.  I also recommend taking an evening bath before bed to let the steam open your sinuses and wash allergens from your skin and hair.

Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many foods.  It is an antioxidant which reduces the effects of inflammation and can reduce allergy symptoms.  The best food sources are apples, citrus fruits, onions, parsley, red wine, and tea.  You can also take Quercetin in supplement form.

Nettle is an amazing plant that has the ability to dispel toxins and bring relief from allergy symptoms.  You can sauté the greens as you would spinach, add it to soups or casseroles or make it into a tea.  Nettle also comes in a supplement form.

Neti Pot
Neti pots are small teapot-shaped vessels that are used to flush the sinuses which can help reduce allergy symptoms.  You can buy one for kids that is shaped like a large syringe.  Make sure to use distilled water or water that has been boiled and then cooled.

Food Tip
Often people associate Spring with cleansing and cutting out many foods for a period of time.  While I believe that this can be helpful for some, I also feel that many people can get substantial benefits from smaller dietary changes. Spring can be a time to increase leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, and water to help hydrate and flush our systems.   Just moving in this direction will help your body leave winter behind and move towards a healthy Spring.

Reiki is a gentle, hands-on form of bodywork that promotes balance, relaxation, and healing.
Reiki can help reduce stress and support your immune system.

I offer Reiki sessions in Florence, Massachusetts and Wellness Consultations both in person and by phone.  To book a session or to get more information call (413) 210-7050 or email

You can also keep the conversation going on my  Facebook page and get additional information on my website.

Darkness and Light

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Darkness and Light
Anyone feeling depleted?  Fewer hours of daylight, a challenging 24/7 news cycle and a busy holiday season can take its toll.  Here are a few of my favorite seasonal tips to help shift your mindset:
  1. SCHEDULE SELF-CARE:  You can’t pour from an empty cup, so it’s time to schedule some self-care.  Make it a priority and add it to your calendar.  Take a walk, run a warm bath, or schedule a Reiki session.  Whatever it is, make it a priority.
  2.  SUNSHINE & VITAMIN D.  Sunshine is a very effective way to boost your vitamin D and support your emotional well being.  Even in the winter, going out on a sunny day can make a difference. If natural light is not possible, consider taking a Vitamin D supplement or using a lightbox.
  3. GRATITUDE.  Our mind tends to focus on the negatives instead of the positives.  One way to shift this is to start a gratitude journal.  Write down one thing that you are grateful for each day. Looking back at the list after a week or month can be a real pick-me-up.
I am grateful to my clients and community
for adding so much to my life.
Sending you all health, peace, and love this season.
Reiki is a gentle, hands-on form of bodywork that promotes balance, relaxation, and healing.
Reiki can help reduce stress and supports your immune system.  I offer sessions at my office in Florence, Massachusetts.  I am continuing to offer Wellness Consultations both in person and by phone.  Call (413) 210-7050 or email with any questions or to schedule a session.You can also keep the conversation going on my  Facebook page and get additional information on my website.

New Direction

New Direction I have some exciting news!  Due to client demand, I am shifting the majority of my practice to Reiki services.  If you have always wanted to try a Reiki session or know someone to refer, check out my Summer Specials.What is Reiki? Reiki is a gentle, hands-on form of bodywork that promotes balance, relaxation, and healing. […]

Gratitude & Reiki Special


I want to thank everyone that inspired and supported my KrantzWellness business this year. I love doing this work and I look forward to seeing you in 2018!

As a thank you, I am offering a Reiki special of 3 sessions for $150. You can use the sessions for yourself or buy them as a gift (I will provide gift certificates ready to go). This special runs until the end of 2017. This is my way of giving back during this time of year.

Wishing everyone peace during this holiday season.

You can keep the conversation going on my Facebook page and see additional health tips on my website.

Finding Balance on Rough Waters

Finding Balance on Rough Waters 
A few weeks ago, I tried stand-up paddleboarding for the very first time. This is something I have wanted to try for awhile.  I met the group by the shore and noticed that the water was quite rocky and I started to feel ambivalent. Would I be able to find my balance?  I began paddling on my knees and wasn’t sure how far I would get.  After a few minutes, I gathered some courage and stood up.  It was a profound experience.  Instead of bracing against the choppy waters, I bent my knees, focussed on my core, and fully experienced standing on an unstable base. I felt truly alive.

After an hour of paddling, the instructor gathered us for a yoga practice on our boards. Just as we began, bald eagles took flight overhead.  It was one of those moments that catches your breath. Eagles symbolize the courage to stretch limits and look at things from a higher perspective. Eagles are patient with the present and know that the future holds possibilities that we might not yet be able to see.  It is about taking flight.

I have been struck by how this experience parallels other challenges in life.  We are in the midst of some truly difficult times.  Finding moments to come home to our center during these struggles can be a refuge.

Where is one place you can find refuge in the rocky waters?  Where can you stretch your limits? Be courageous?  Take flight?

You can keep the conversation going on my Facebook page and see additional health tips on my website.